Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment wins Spatial Excellence Award

Representatives from the Project Team celebrate the award. From left: Michelle Dickson (Natural Decisions), Stephen Farrell (SV), Danielle Cherubin (SV), Glen Cockerton (SV), Emmaline Froggat (PPWPCMA).
Natural Decisions is pleased to announce that the NRM Planning for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, undertaken in partnership with Spatial Vision for 7 Victorian CMAs (coordinated by Corangamite CMA), has received the 2014 Victorian Spatial Excellence Award for Sustainability and Environment.
The Victorian Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute and the Spatial Industries Business Association make this award to a project that helps to resolve issues in an environmental context including scarce water resources, water property rights, biota rights and salinity management.
The project was funded under the Australian Government’s Regional Natural Resource Planning for Climate Change Fund (NRM Fund) which supports regional NRM organisations to incorporate climate change mitigation and adaptation information and approaches into regional NRM plans.
The award recognises the project’s practical, logical and scientifically sound framework using a technologically innovative approach. The project has generated views of exposure, sensitivity, potential impact, adaptive capacity and vulnerability for a range of NRM assets and provides for new data and knowledge to be applied as it becomes available. The outputs from the project are already being used by Victorian CMAs to update regional NRM plans to account for the potential impacts of climate change.
We are delighted to share this award with Spatial Vision for a project that has already proved valuable for the Victorian CMAs and the communities they work with to improve environmental outcomes.
Judges’ Comments:
“This project incorporates the latest scientific findings on climate change into a spatial risk assessment framework that allows Catchment Management Authorities to better plan their response to climate change against a range of possible scenarios”.
Posted 2 October 2014 in News